Learn from Jelena Jankovic's Forehand

Pic 1. Jelena has a unique take-back for the forehand, in that it is closer to her body than most with an extremely cocked wrist and strong left arm hold on the racket.

Pic 2. This is more conventional with beautiful left arm extension and lowering of the body. Racket is back with the head facing the ground indicating a strong western grip.

Pic 3. She has stepped out for a good base, weight still predominantly on the right leg ready to drive forward with the swing onto the left leg. Lovely left arm continuing to balance the right.

Pic 4. Fantastic body rotation so full weight impacts on the ball together with the swinging arm. The bent arm again is a symptom of the full western grip.

Pic 5. The arm has extended forward up and through the ball and full weight is on the left leg. Eyes are firmly fixed on the ball.

Pic 6. Classic ending with four key markers in place. Elbow higher than the racket head; wrist rotated so if she had a watch on her right wrist she could tell the time; right shoulder rotated finishing ahead of the left and a lovely wide base and straight back for perfect balance.

All images © Frey - www.tennishead.net


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